Monday, February 8, 2010

The Many Faces of Kaleb

Hi Everybody!!!
We're so sorry to have been gone for so long. As all you parents out there is BUSY with a little guy around!! But. No excuses....okay ... a few....the holidays, job hunting, sickness, laziness, travel, travel, travel. Another cold. Did I mention the holidays?? Are you kidding me?
Today I pulled on my new running pants (thanks Aunt Lacey!) and jogged in the sunshine and resolved to get back on track (with several things) and figured out a new system for staying up on blog posts. So here goes.

Kaleb is so funny with his expressions (mostly involving his tongue) and I thought this series captured him well. We'll be back shortly with the latest news from Kaleb, holiday favorites, current activities, milestones and whatnot.
See you soon! And Happy 9 Month Birthday Baby Ka-Bub!!
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