Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ducky Time

Kaleb had his 9 Month check up today. Just as we suspected, he's getting tall and skinny! Well, not exactly 'skinny' if you took a look at those cute thighs. Official Stats today were:
Height: 31 inches - off the chart! >97%
Weight: 22 lb 5 oz - 75%
Head: ?? - 75%

Lately, Kaleb has been changing so much. Not only does he grow like a weed, but we're in that stage where he's doing something new all the time, which is both so fun and so scary all at once! Where did my sweet little newborn baby boy go? What he's up to these days....

* 'Inchworm' crawling - VERY fast.

* Finding all shoes with laces, electrical cords and straws that he can find to chew on

* Eating ALL KINDS of food, he loves it and isn't too picky. 3 meals a day already!

* Pulling to stand up in the crib, on chairs and against the dishwasher (which is NOT successful so far)

* Crying himself to sleep for naps ... seemingly because he wants to be part of the action and he can now stand and wail at us very loudly.

* Loves to 'read' books - can turn the pages all by himself.

* Loves to walk around the house with help. Lately he's been grabbing both my index fingers with his hands which is the signal for 'let's go for a walk! Help me!'

* lots of babbling, saying 'dada'(daddy) and 'baba' (bottle), clapping, initiating peek-a-boo (SOO Cute)

* Learning what NO means and laughing out loud whenever his momma says it sternly. Great.

* Thinking that whenever the phone rings, that it's daddy and he gets very excited and thrashes around and says dada. And if it's not dada, he basically tells me to call him in his own way, so they can chat.

For some reason, Kaleb has always LOVED bathes, but HATED the actual bathtub. There are very few things that he doesn't like in life. We're not sure why, but he cries and shakes and is so frightened! So we've been trying to help him like the tub because, let's face it, the kitchen sink is just not going to cut it when he's 14.
We got him a ducky and let him play in it in the living room. It even quacks when you squeeze it's bill. It was a hit. But....when we put him in it in the bathtub....only sobs.
Oh well!

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