Friday, February 26, 2010

First Snow Day

Winter here in the Northwest is sure coming to a quick close. The daffodils in my yard are up with their bright faces pointing toward the sun. The thick tulip leaves are all 5 inches above the ground and the forsythia is getting brighter every day! As much as I LOVE the spring, I do wish we had one or two more snowflakes to watch this year.

Kaleb had his first day in the snow over Thanksgiving weekend. These pics are from our Annual Christmas tree hunt we do with friends outside of Seattle. Kaleb did great in his snow suit and reminded us of that poor little kid from the Christmas Story - a classic!

We also had the privelage of having a few inches of the white stuff at our house in January and Kaleb enjoyed learning more about this strange, cold, wet ground cover.

I know that only a few folks read this blog, but those that do, take a minute and pray for my dear friend Jennie - a good friend from my Westminster days. She just delivered the most beautiful daughter Jaden. Jaden has had a rough start to life and the Fletemeyer's would love all the prayer support you can deliver. Read their story at
I love you, Flete's.
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