Saturday, November 21, 2009

Little Pumpkin

These pictures are clearly out of date - but the grandparents HAD to see little Kaleb as The Great Pumpkin! We took him to his first pumpkin patch this year - on October 30th - not so much to get a pumpkin, but more to satisfy our desire for a photo shoot. (and to get his mother an apple cider doughnut) Kaleb actually traveled to this very patch last year - in my belly - as Chris and I started scoping out local farms. As you may see by the pictures, there was NOBODY there! Kind of anti-climactic for his 'first' big day at the pumpkin patch. Next year, we'll have to brave the crowds on the weekend to make it bit more exciting.

We just love our little guy and he blesses so many people with his sweet personality and huge grin that he gives so freely. Kaleb news this month includes: he started night awakening (sometimes every two ours) two weeks ago - darn it! So...we had to get rid of the pacifier and he's now unfortunately crying himself to sleep for naps. It's so sad! But...he went back to sleeping through the night most nights. He's loving his latest solid, Bananas. His parents are not loving the chore of feeding him. He likes taking hikes in the big red backpack. He isn't crawling yet but sure still loves to kick all day long on his belly and his latest language is saying 'babababababab' and screaming like a little girl.

1 comment:

Matt and Elsa Nelson said...

SO precious!! You and Chris are SUCH good parents....I can't wait to see Kaleb again...hopefully soon!