Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dedicating our Son

In the mail this week we recieved the wonderful pictures of Kaleb's Dedication Celebration that took place this September. My sister-in-law Sarah was the photographer and we are so thankful for her talents! For those who couldn't be there, below is a glimpse into the wonderful day on which we officially dedicated Kaleb to the Lord with family and friends in our backyard. It was a beautiful day, perfect temperature, fun food (cookies and milk with lunch!) and great fellowship.

Pastor Greg created a great message and had everyone pray for Kaleb and commit to sharing in his life through action and thought. He told the definitions of the names Kaleb & James and how they are rooted in the depths of Scripture and solid Christian character. At the end, Uncle Eric played some songs and our guests each took a stone and piled them under the old apple tree so that when Kaleb gets bigger we are able to point to them and share the story of that sacred day!


Krystle said...

Wow, guys, that is awesome!!! Congrats! I can't wait to see you!

lacey said...

what a great day!