Monday, December 14, 2009

Fall Favorites

Kaleb is such a fun guy to have around! This fall, as he's gotten beyond the true 'little baby' stage, his personality has just burst out of his little (or really big) body! He is such a trooper as we hardly ever spend a whole day at home. The world is just too exciting; for him and his parents! He loves to be out and about.

Today was particularly hillarious because after a coffee date with daddy, the two of us got in the car to run several errands. From the moment we got in the car till we were at our 2nd stop - he was laughing to himself - almost non stop! I was cracking up. He has really started talking up a storm.
When he's not out in the world running errands or doing activities, he's usually contentedly kicking on the living room floor. He will kick for hours and it's been that way from the very beginning.

Below are random shots of some of our favorite Fall activities.

1 - kaleb as a russian spy - in costco with his dad this weekend for holiday supplies and youth group necessities.
2 - starting solids with mom - yams - a hit! But bananas have taken first place since then.
3 - playing in the beautiful Ginko leaves in November
4 & 5 - learning how to hang out in the hiking backpack - which usually ends up become a 'napping backpack'. He usually smiles; not this time.
6 - He's becoming more mobile - yet not crawling or walking as of now - and he scoots backward which results in me finding him under furtiture now and then!

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

tis the season

This is another new post with less than new news. Forgive me.
As most of you know, I (Kaleb's mother) am a quite a coffee fan. And although I love the roasts and tastes of many different beans from all over the world...I try not to discriminate...I find myself gravitating to one place - Starbucks - almost solely based on location. And the presence of the drive-thru. Yes, I am now one of 'those' people.

One bright, chilly morning several weeks ago I had the privelage of introducing my sweet innocent son to the excitement of the first day of Red Cups at Starbucks. This day has become one of my favorite milestones of the coming holiday season. Pathetic and commercial - But true. And it seems Kaleb enjoyed his first 'cup' of the Holiday season as much as I did!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Little Pumpkin

These pictures are clearly out of date - but the grandparents HAD to see little Kaleb as The Great Pumpkin! We took him to his first pumpkin patch this year - on October 30th - not so much to get a pumpkin, but more to satisfy our desire for a photo shoot. (and to get his mother an apple cider doughnut) Kaleb actually traveled to this very patch last year - in my belly - as Chris and I started scoping out local farms. As you may see by the pictures, there was NOBODY there! Kind of anti-climactic for his 'first' big day at the pumpkin patch. Next year, we'll have to brave the crowds on the weekend to make it bit more exciting.

We just love our little guy and he blesses so many people with his sweet personality and huge grin that he gives so freely. Kaleb news this month includes: he started night awakening (sometimes every two ours) two weeks ago - darn it! So...we had to get rid of the pacifier and he's now unfortunately crying himself to sleep for naps. It's so sad! But...he went back to sleeping through the night most nights. He's loving his latest solid, Bananas. His parents are not loving the chore of feeding him. He likes taking hikes in the big red backpack. He isn't crawling yet but sure still loves to kick all day long on his belly and his latest language is saying 'babababababab' and screaming like a little girl.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dedicating our Son

In the mail this week we recieved the wonderful pictures of Kaleb's Dedication Celebration that took place this September. My sister-in-law Sarah was the photographer and we are so thankful for her talents! For those who couldn't be there, below is a glimpse into the wonderful day on which we officially dedicated Kaleb to the Lord with family and friends in our backyard. It was a beautiful day, perfect temperature, fun food (cookies and milk with lunch!) and great fellowship.

Pastor Greg created a great message and had everyone pray for Kaleb and commit to sharing in his life through action and thought. He told the definitions of the names Kaleb & James and how they are rooted in the depths of Scripture and solid Christian character. At the end, Uncle Eric played some songs and our guests each took a stone and piled them under the old apple tree so that when Kaleb gets bigger we are able to point to them and share the story of that sacred day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday My Baby!

November 8 seemed to be just an average Monday for most of you Americans and Ex-pats out there (hi Ali!). But for us - it was Kaleb's 1/2 birthday! 6 Months Already! It is hard to believe that half of a year has passed since that sunny morning in May when Mr. Kaleb first laid eyes on us and probably wondered, ' are those two seriously my parents ? ' . Wow.
So - we of course get to celebrate with none other than... a 6 month check up and .... shots! Kaleb has a wonderful Doctor Lady who gives him checkups and gives us advice. He is healthy as a horse of course, minus a little garden variety eczema. As you already know, he is HUGE. Lukily, still on the growth chart. But barely.

His official stats are....
Height: 28.5 inches - 95%
Weight: 20lb 3oz (WHAT!?)- 90%
Head: ?? 90%

Kaleb loves the doctor. Well, he at least loves the mirror on the wall and the infamous crinkly paper. All you parents know what I'm talking about.
He loves to kick uncontrollably when he's mostly naked. Don't you??

He always does great during his exams and lets the doctor listen in silence. And I can't believe it. But it's true. He got 2 shots and literally DID NOT BLINK AN EYE! Chris was playing with him using his favorite little elephant toy, and the shots went in and there was not a reaction out of the kid! He was silent.
yup, we have the coolest kid around.

We think we'll keep him.

Oh - and solid foods have far Yams are the hit of the parade.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cutest Pup Around

Happy Halloween!

Gosh - all those seasoned parents were right. We admit it. Having kids changes EVERYTHING. What a crazy adventure these last 6 months have been! One of the many new processes for us has been living life through the newest big eyes in our household - Kaleb's. Everything is his FIRST. Even the simplest things - riding in his backpack, touching a pumpkin, hearing thunder, watching the leaves fall in a blustery gust of wind. It's all NEW to him!
So of course, this Halloween was his FIRST. And therefore, 'new' to us all over again. To celebrate, we joined our cousin Jill's household of 2 year old twins Reece and Rory. They taught Kaleb everything he knows about passing out (and eating) candy. Thanks to our friend Mary - Kaleb was the cutest Snoopy Dog we'd ever seen. And since his cute dad is such a natural at it already - he was Charlie Brown.

If you look closely - you'll see that our 'sweet little baby boy' is not so little anymore. He was bursting out of the bottom of his costume!

Reece and Rory were super heros - and great ones at that. My brother, his girlfriend Pam and Aunt LaDonna and Uncle Joe were there too. It was a great way to celebrate a spooky holiday - surrounded by family and good food. Aunt LaDonna hiding behind the crazy ghost skeleton!
Kaleb's first 'candy' for halloween was Ritz PB Crackers!
Thanks DeCourval's for inviting us to celebrate such a special first spooky night out.