Monday, March 22, 2010

Little Puppy Dog

Lately we've been referring to Kaleb as our little puppy dog. Even though we've never owned a little pup ourselves, it seems like most of the stories we hear center around them chewing on all kinds of household items such as: shoes, shoe laces, cords, strings, belts.
And ... so does our son. And he's added hangers to his chewing item assortment.

Posted by PicasaWhen it's not annoying, it's quite funny and cute to watch. He'll see a desired item across the room and crawl with lightening speed over to grab the prize. He then quickly rolls from front to back to analyze, inspect, taste, chew and talk to his new toy.

Spring Gardening with Dad

We have the blessing (curse???) of having a wonderful big yard. And luckily...gradually...we've been trying to make it less maintenance by pruning, removing and transplanting. So as soon as the weather turned spring-y in Portland, we were out moving the 5 rose bushes from the front of the house to their new home behind the beloved raspberry patch.
The roses already love it in their new home. We didn't lose a single bush. And as you can see, Daddy and Kaleb were a great team of transplanters!

Kaleb stayed on this blanket for about 10 seconds and then was OFF to explore. We've since learned that gardening with mommy and daddy involves using a pack-n-play to keep that critter contained!
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tigard Snow Day

Okay, I lied. In my last post, I stated that I wouldn't do anymore catch up blogging. But I COULDN'T RESIST THIS FACE!!! I was editing some files and came across these shots. We Portlanders only got one snow day this year - an evening in January with 2 inches of the white stuff - so we went out and let Kaleb experience the cold wint-ry goodness on our back deck(the deck being last summer's DIY project that almost killed us!).
He seemed to like the snow - or at least not be upset by it. Hopefully he's a winter sport enthusiast in the making!

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Christmas with the Farkel's

Okay. This has to be the last catch-up post! There are SO MANY new fun things that Kaleb is doing...we must keep up!!!

But...this Christmas WAS his here are a few of the highlights.

My side of the family jokingly calls ourselves the Farkels...(think Griswalds). We're kinda quirky and have our issues, but we LOVE each other and have such fun. This year was a particularly 'Farkle-ish' year which is perfect for Kaleb's first Christmas! He better get used to being a Farkel! It included:

*Renting a sad, old, dark house that had faulty cable TV, broken plumbing, dirty carpet,dirty bathrooms and the heater running out of fuel on ... Christmas Morning!! HA! What a ride. dear dad was nursing a bad broken leg.

But Kaleb spent his first Chrismas in Seattle with ALL of his favorite people - the grandparents and Aunts and Uncles which was a blessing. We had GREAT weather, generous gifts, a beautiful FREE christmas tree, fun food and nice walks with everyone. It will probably end up being one of our favorites!

Posted by PicasaThanks everyone for making it such a fun holiday and LAUGHING through the craziest parts.