Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Daddy's Little Boy

I came home last Sunday...after my first night away from my dear little baby Kaleb. Some friends and I decided to run (or walk!) a 1/2 marathon in Hood River and take a girl's weekend away from all of our children. I walked in the front door of our quiet house, tired and sore, to find the above note sitting on the kitchen counter. I almost cried!
If you can't read it, it says 'kaleb, bottles, toys, blankets, binkie, clothes, clothes (for chris)'
Notice which item is listed first! HA!
Chris had a busy weekend of work besides taking care of Kaleb, and he was doing his best to keep it together. The note was the morning list before dropping Kaleb off at his surrogate grandparent's house for the afternoon.

Kaleb has the privelage of being loved on and cherished by my amazing husband. I could not be more blessed to be married to Chris and to see the joy and delight that he and Kaleb share with each other. And ... as you can see by Chris' note, Kaleb is clearly well taken care of. It's so great to be a team and I am so thankful for the ways that Chris is the stellar parent in this household!

I can already tell that Kaleb is a Daddy's Boy. Chris has the ability to make him laugh, smile, giggle and squeal WAY more than I can. When I hold Kaleb, and his daddy is somewhere nearby, Kaleb searches, cranes his neck, leans over and tries to be with him. It is sometimes hillarious! Chris will play hide-n-seek behind my back and Kaleb's little head bobs from one side to the other over and over - like he's watching a tennis match.

I just love my boys, and am so thankful for them! I love you Christopher.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

We're Back!

Hi Everyone -
It's been way to long since we've been in the blog-world. Sorry about that.
But we're back. And we've grown!
This blog will likely be way less about literature, profound quotes, exceptional recipes and the happenings of adults .... and way more about the little munchkin who has invaded our house.
Kaleb James joined our family - in person - on May 8, 2009. He is truly a bundle of joy...and drool, spit-up, smiles, stinky feet and cute dimples.
We hope you enjoy keeping track of how he's growing, how stinkin' cute he is and how tired Chris and I look most of the time! Thanks for reading!